Happy Spring, camping fans! Our scamp has emerged, ready for work to begin. We have bought new rims and tires, and have scrubbed the exterior. Zach took out all the windows, scraped off the caulking and reinstalled them. Next we will replace both ceiling hatches, remove the decals, and PoliGlow! I am particularly excited about the PoliGlow; I would love to see the Scamp all shiny. We've had some unseasonal rain (and hail!) lately, so once the weather is clear, we'll glow it up.
In the interior, we've decided to postpone the new cushions. We have to get the electrical, water and propane working, plus we're going to redo another section of cabinetry. Lots of work to do, but so exciting! Our main goal will be to keep it in "campable" condition throughout the renovation so we don't miss out on any fun!